Quote of the Week – Charles Darwin

There is no fundamental difference between man and the higher animals in their mental faculties… The lower animals, like man, manifestly feel pleasure and pain, happiness, and misery.

Quote of the Week – Colleen Patrick-Goudreu

I’m a total fan girl of Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, she was instrumental in my transition to a vegan lifestyle and her podcast, Food for Thought, is chocked full of information for anyone who is vegan, thinking of going vegan or in the transition to being vegan… Actually, it’s amazing, it’s good for anyone and everyone…

Definitely check it out here.

Quote of the Week – Victor Hugo

I am throwing it WAY back this week with a poignant quote from Victor Hugo. The man has a way with words (as we already know)!

Quote of the Week – Justin Timberlake

My favourite quote this week comes from Justin Timberlake who is not vegan but did a HIGH-larious skit on SNL promoting veganism a couple of years back. This skit is the best way to promote veganism – it’s funny and silly and sort of pokes fun at the notion which would make it feel a lot more relatable) yet it still brings up the health and ethics argument to living a vegan lifestyle.

If you haven’t seen the skit, check it out below for a good giggle. Be warned the video quality is poor – I think it was just filmed off of someone’s TV.

Quote of the Week – Joaquin Phoenix

Last night, for the first time, I watched Earthlings and I’m angry, as well as feeling emotionally drained and physically sick. I’m angry that we, as human beings, can knowingly inflict so much pain and suffering on living, breathing, feeling sentient creatures for our own selfish appetite, fashion, amusement and vanity. The naivety of people is a real slap in the face. Okay, angry rant done… No one likes an angry vegan but I needed to get that off of my chest. Joaquin Phoenix narrates the movie and narrates very poignant points. I will do a full review of the film later in the week, so stay posted.

Quote of the Week

Now, I’m not too sure what is going on with Ellen DeGeneres and her vegan lifestyle at the moment, but I love this quote either way as it stresses the importance of equal rights between humans and non-human animals.

Ellen supposedly has been an ethical vegan for several years but has hit some controversy in the not too distant past over her new fashion line ED by Ellen. It seems that some shoes in her line are genuine leather – doesn’t sound very ethical vegan to me.

I’m a bit confused here because her blog, Go Vegan with Ellen, which was launched in 2011, can no longer be found online anywhere, and please do correct me if I’m wrong here. I’ve done some searching for it an even went back to old online articles from when the site was launched and any links that clearly originally went to the blog’s landing page are just directed to her general site.

Very fishy indeed, does anyone have any insight into this?

Quote of the Week

My quote of the week this week comes from Prince, who we tragically lost last week. Prince was a vegan and an avid fighter for compassion. RIP.

Quote of the Week – Nik Taylor

Nik Taylor is an Associate Professor at Flinders University in Adelaide, she focuses on the treatment of animals, animal welfare and links between human aggression and animal cruelty (among other things).

I found this quote while reading the article Making a Killing: Does Working in a Slaughterhouse Make People More Violent? in VeganLife Magazine’s January / February 2016 issue. It was an incredible read and some sections of the detailed descriptions of the treatment of animals during slaughter actually made me cry.  Nik Taylor has made a poignant and, I think, accurate statement throughout this article… The way someone treats non-human animals is a reflection of the way they will treat humans.

What do you guys think?



Quote of the Week – Barny du Plessis

This is for those that generalise all vegans as weak, or think that we are unable to get sufficient protein. Barney du Plessis is a vegan bodybuilder and Mr. Universe 2014 – he clearly has no issues getting sufficient protein.

Barny was a vegetarian until he was 18 and then started to reluctantly eat meat as he got into body building thinking he needed it to get the extra protein required. As he witnessed the horrors of the industry of animal farming, having worked on pig farms in his youth, his decision to go vegan was for ethical reasons and he says he’s in better shape than ever.

His fiance, Josie Keck, is also vegan and was titled the UK’s Strongest Woman in 2010. Clearly no problems there either.

Quote of the Week – Naomi Klein

This week I’ve gone off of the typical vegan beaten track and stumbled into the world of climate change, which, in my mind, all goes hand in hand anyway. Naomi Klein is an award winning journalist and the author of This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate which I was handed last week by a fellow co-worker as a must read book that will completely open my eyes and change my way of thinking of the world.

I have since read the introduction and this quote stood out to me. The irony that she speaks of is that of an event that occurred on July 6th, 2012 in which a US Airways plane bound for South Carolina from Washington DC got stuck in the tarmac due to the extraordinary heat that day.  Heat that had been caused by global warming which, evidently, is caused from the burning of fossil fuels. So literally, the burning of fossil fuels, in this instance, made it impossible for us to burn more fossil fuels by way of getting another flight into the air. Irony? Yes. Even more ridiculous is the notion that they had to get a big ass vehicle in there to tow the damn thing out of the bitumen which then burned even more fossil fuels!! Check out the photo below.

US Airways 3935

I can’t wait to read this book and let ya’ll know my thinking upon its completion. Stay posted!